Eskildsen, Joakim & Cia Rinne:BLUE TIDE – A true story Opus 1997. Opus 33. Softbinding, fine copy with very little wear. Signed by photographer and dedicated to TP.

used, Tage Poulsen collection
Eskildsen, Joakim & Cia Rinne:BLUE TIDE – A true story Opus 1997. Opus 33. Softbinding, fine copy with very little wear. Signed by photographer and dedicated to TP.
Brask, Ole:PHOTOGRAPHS JAZZ With Texts by Milt Hinton and Ole Brask. Kiel: Nieswand Verlag, 1995. Tall 4to. Original photoillustrated halfcloth. Richly illustrated with black and white photographs by Ole Brask. Excellent copy. Ole Brask (1935-2009) worked in the 1950’s for Richard Avedon and later became a Magnum photographer. In Copenhagen, he took part in establishing […]