U.S./CA in person

This album offers some personal views of Northern California and experiences on my way to and from, especially in the 1980s. Places and people, not many symbols or pretty patterns. It will be in two parts. This page is about the early 80s – I was in my early twenties and lived in Sweden – […]

Sejren / The Victory

Friends posing with Tegner’s 1921 sculpture as backdrop Portrætserien startede som et coronaprojekt – “Rusland” er et ofte øde lyngbeklædt område med udsigt til hav og skov ved Dronningmølle. Rudolph Tegners museum og skulpturer befolker det smukke område. Hulkamerabilledet i 1990 var mit første af Tegners skulptur. Blødheden i den eksponering lod krigeren fremstå med […]

With Nature

Still into nature. Not that I ever lived in the countryside, but my body and mind thrive in the forest and in the mountains. In rivers and on oceans and lakes. In parks and gardens. Imagination works best here too, perhaps under the impression of the nature crisis we’re facing and the need to rethink […]


A snowy stairway to heaven lit by the full moon. MOONMADNESS I-IIISweden 1981 Night skiing in northern Skåne turned into a photographic experience as I’d gone back to the cabin for a 6×6 camera, then returned to the wood pile to immerse myself in the snowscape and in the moment. The moonlit snow scene by […]

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