Let my free “web app” help you search websites without a search box – or just to get your Google custom search results in chronological order when preferred? (and with thumbnails)
See video example, then go to https://gsearch.one + add to your mobile home screen:
Gsearch.One kan help you improve search on most websites – and beyond:
This video example of a website with a search function that doesn’t give you the expected results is nowhere unique. Or at least not the results you should or could get – just enter any website url to try this and even look into PDFs, Word files, presentations, etc. on a web server.
GSEARCH.ONE can also just search the entire web – or within a country – and can provide date sorted results rather than what Google finds “relevant” to you.
If you want power search instead of search engine “suggestions” … Gsearch.One is for you (only suggests terms you have entered into Gsearch.One previously, locally saved if you wish)
No trees grow into heaven? Hundreds of results found here in the video, but Gsearch.one only shows you one hundred. Date or relevance sorted, images or not:
Site search to go – no app stores, just create a shortcut + add https://gsearch.one to your homescreen!
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Google search på din måde – på dansk:

Hvad er bedst/værst: et website uden søgefelt – som dette – eller site med søgefunktion, der ikke giver dig resultater svarende til indholdet på sitet?
GSEARCH.ONE klarer den, og kan også bruges til at søge generelt på internet, undlad blot at skrive noget i feltet website. Funktionen er Google-baseret, men lader dig “slippe for” forslag til, hvad du nok er interesseret i at søge efter. Læg bare en genvej til søgning på hjemmeskærmen.
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